Aluminium Windows Dartford | Aluminium Windows Frames Dartford |

Aluminium Windows Dartford

Although every Dartford property is different, our aluminium windows can be designed to suit them all. We fit a range of styles that provide the best fit for traditional, modern, heritage and contemporary properties. You can choose from casement, tilt & turn and flush sash window designs for your Kent home.

Fitter Windows offers the market-leading RAUM profile for our aluminium windows. These windows will offer great levels of weatherproofing, thermal efficiency and security once installed within your Dartford home. The perfect timber replacement, the aluminium profile doesn’t offer any high maintenance headaches. The slim frame can accommodate large panes of glazing, flooding your home with natural light.

Competitive Prices for Aluminium Windows in Dartford

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Here are some of the benefits our aluminium windows will bring to your Dartford home

Compared to uPVC or timber, aluminium provides far superior strength and rigidity. The security of our aluminium windows is increased with the addition of multi-point locking. The locks work alongside the profile and the glazing panes to provide a high level of security to your Dartford home.

When you select our aluminium windows, you won’t have to worry about weak spots that can be exploited. Our Kent customers can sleep peacefully knowing these windows will fully protect their property. If you want further peace of mind, our aluminium windows can be upgraded to Secured by Design standards.

Our aluminium windows are designed with a slimmer build compared to uPVC windows. Although the frames are slim, they don’t compromise on performance, creating slimmer sightlines. This means the window has a much cleaner look when installed at your Dartford home.

The slim frame of our aluminium windows allows them to accommodate large glazing panes. This lets you flood your Dartford home with natural light. Not only can you enjoy panoramic views of your garden throughout the seasons; you’ll create the illusion of more space within your property.

Through investing in our aluminium windows, you’ll do your bit for the environment. The aluminium frames can achieve U-values as low as 1.1 W/m2K. This figure is one of the best amongst double glazing and surpasses some uPVC U-values. The Dartford homeowner can choose from either double or triple glazing for our aluminium windows.

Throughout the year, our aluminium windows will trap in pockets of warm air to create a comfortable temperature within your property. This will lead to your energy bills reducing, freeing up money for you to spend on the things you enjoy. With the general energy consumption of your property lessening, so to will your home’s carbon footprint.

As every Dartford property is different, we offer customisable aluminium windows to suit. We put our customers in complete control when choosing the best design for their property. You can choose from a variety of shapes, styles and colour options.

The colour of the window is the main customisable feature. These windows can be customised in a range of woodgrain & RAL colour foils. For traditional properties, a woodgrain foil offers the wooden look without any high maintenance headaches. A bolder RAl colour is suited to modern Kent properties, providing a stand-out feature.

The colour we offer for our windows is applied with powder coating. This ensures that you get a long-lasting finish that will retain its quality for many years to come. Our Dartford customers will never have to worry about purchasing paint to apply to their doors.

Compared to steel or timber windows, our aluminium profile requires minimal maintenance. These windows continue to retain their quality, even after regular exposure to the elements. The frame of our aluminium windows will not rot, bow, flake, twist or warp. The only maintenance they need is for an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth, maintaining the good-as-new look.

By opting for aluminium windows from Fitter Windows, you’ll get a quality product and excellent service. Our installation team has been improving properties across Dartford & Kent for many years. Despite the double glazing industry having a reputation for a hard sell, we pride ourselves on our friendlier, fresher approach. Our team will listen to your needs to ensure you get the perfect window for your property.

georgian bar aluminium windows dartford

Aluminium Window Prices Dartford

If you'd like to discuss getting our Aluminium Windows installed in your Dartford home, contact our team today. You can call us on 01279 799 818 or fill out our online contact form.

If you already know which of our Aluminium Windows you want for your Kent home, start a bespoke online quote. Simply enter a few details and you'll receive an estimate, with no obligation to book.


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